


Contact Lens Exams

Contact Lens Exam at Dr. Dorothy Park & Associates in Columbia, SC

Corrective lenses play an essential role in protecting your vision. When you need to wear glasses or contact lenses, you want to find the right option for your eyes. At Dr. Dorothy Park and Associates, we offer a contact lens exam in Columbia, SC to help you find the right solution for your vision.

woman receiving a contact lens exam from her eye care professional

Basics of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses differ from traditional glasses. You put the lens directly on your eyes. It has an appropriate prescription based on your vision and needs. You have a variety of contact lenses available to address several different situations. You can select hard to fit lenses, bi-focal contacts or even specialized lenses for astigmatism or related conditions. You want to go through a comprehensive exam to check and measure your eyes before you wear contacts.

How a Contact Lens Exam Differs from a Vision Exam

A contact lens exam differs from a basic vision exam because you must measure your eyes. In our clinic, we check your vision and identify your prescription. We then measure your eyes to find the correct size for your contact lenses. 

During a vision exam, you check on changes to your vision. It is not as comprehensive as a contact lens exam because it does not require the same level of scrutiny when you wear glasses. You cannot wear contact lenses if you have certain eye conditions, so the exam checks for any complications and risks before fitting your contacts to your eyes.

What to Expect at Your Fitting in Columbia

When you come in for a contact lens exam in Columbia, we go through a comprehensive eye exam. We may ask about your medical history to verify the potential risks to your eyes. After a vision exam and basic tests to check for certain eye conditions, we then measure your eyes. The measurements are a vital part of the process because inaccurately sized contact lenses may injure your eyes. 

Never buy or wear contact lenses without getting a prescription. Even if you want to wear color contacts without a prescription, you need an exam to ensure you get the right size. You also want to make sure your eyes are healthy enough to wear contacts before you put them in your eyes. We may suggest specific types of lenses based on your vision and eye health.

Contact Our Dr. Dorothy Park & Associates in Columbia, SC to Set up an Appointment!

If you want to wear contacts, then our eye care professional offers the exams and care you need to find the right lenses. We offer exams to check on your vision and measure your eyes. To learn more about our exams for contacts or to set up an appointment at our Dr. Dorothy Park & Associates clinic in Columbia, SC call (803) 254-6306 today.


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